House Bill

On March 3 2017,  Congressman McClintock from California introduced H.R. 1349.  

The bill, H.R. 1349, puts mountain bikers on the same footing as campers, hikers, hunters, and equestrians by restoring federal agency authority to set conditions on cyclists’ use of trails in Wilderness.

Senate Bill

Senator Mike Lee of Utah re-introduced the Human Powered Travel in Wilderness Areas Act, Senate Bill S.2877 on May 17, 2018.

This modest reform will effectively revert the rules regarding bikes and Wilderness back to what they were from 1981 to 1984, when access was conditionally allowed.  This bill will reaffirm the original goal of Congress with the Wilderness Act which intended that non-motorized, unconfined recreation be allowed.



This bill was initially introduced to the 114th congress as the  Human-Powered Travel in Wilderness Areas Act, S.3205, on July 13, 2016.